Ohio Value Voters Endorse GOP Contender Jim Renacci for Governor


Ohio Value Voters, a large statewide conservative organization, on Tuesday endorsed GOP gubernatorial candidate Jim Renacci.

The organization selected the former congressman over incumbent Governor Mike DeWine and Joe Blystone, who is also waging a GOP primary attempt against DeWine.

In its explanation for the endorsement, the group highlighted Renacci’s support for House Bill 327 and House Bill 61.

HB 327 aims to prevent the teaching of controversial materials like Critical Race Theory, which is an educational theory largely opposed by conservatives across the country.

“It is critical to the future of Ohio to elect Jim Renacci as Ohio’s next Governor. House Bill 327, is another important bill, which is stalled in committee, that should be passed by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor. This bill will address the indoctrination of critical race theory in Ohio’s classrooms. Jim Renacci has committed to signing this bill,” said John Stover, President of Ohio Value Voters.

Furthermore, HB 61, known as the “Save Women Sports Act,” will prevent transgender athletes from joining female teams in both high school and college sports.

The legislation passed the House of Representatives but stalled in the Senate.

“Ohio Value Voters supports and strongly urges the election of Jim Renacci for Governor and Joe Knopp for Lt. Governor,” the release from the organization added.

Renacci’s plan to alter the state’s education system by getting “education back in the hands of the parents” and supporting “a backpack program for education allowing parents to choose their education options” connected with the group.

“I am honored to be endorsed by Ohio Value Voters. I promise to fight for our shared values, and make Ohio a thriving, conservative state,” Renacci said in a statement.

In the previous gubernatorial race, OVV endorsed Mike DeWine.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Jim Renacci ” by Jim Renacci. Background Photo “Ohio State Capitol” by J. Stephen Conn. CC BY 2.0.






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